Another All-Star Event is in the can.
This was how bad the first segment was, and how much we were hoping for the rubber band to contract: the driver who was practically booed out of the building during pre-race ceremonies, was wildly cheered when he made a pass for the lead. The second loudest jeers (24) also turned to cheers when he took the lead. Fortunately, the last 2 segments provided redemption for the event .
I’m impressed with the USAF(?) Refueler as much as the next person, but I doubt I was the only one thinking “Is that all there is?”. Not much else provides the chills and thrills that sonic- booming, formation-flying, F-whatevers always do. Besides, that first 49 laps needed all the pre-race hype it could get.
Since I was on site, I don’t know if the broadcast crew said anything about the teams’ sojourn around the track in the back of pickups to greet the fans. Anyway, THE TRACK LIGHTS WERE OFF. We couldn’t see them and they couldn’t see us. Humpy would have been the first person to say “What are you thinking?”.
As always, the pre through post race fireworks were excellent. Considering the number of people who remained for the last show, I think we each had a firework dedicated to us.